When selecting the hotel where you wish to stay, please include the following information in the email you send to us: full name, address, OIB (Personal Identification Number), and arrival date. If your accommodation is being paid by a company, please provide the company details and the name of the person staying in the room.
Reservations are limited to a stay of 3 nights.
ACCOMMODATION (Package stay, 15/05/2025 - 18/05/2025.
Price of accommodation per person in a single room: 435 €
Price of accommodation for two people in a double room: 585 €
The price is shown per room for a package stay of 3 nights and includes half board and VAT.
The price does not include the residence tax, which is 1,80 EUR per person per day
ACCOMMODATION (Package stay, 15/05/2025 - 18/05/2025
Price of accommodation per person in a single room: 615,00 €
Price of accommodation for two people in a double room: 765,00 €
The price is shown per room for a package stay of 3 nights and includes half board and VAT.
The price does not include the residence tax, which is 1,80 EUR per person per day
Services are canceled in writing by e-mail to the address of the technical organizer. (info@btmglobal.hr)
Prices expressed in Euro with the corresponding tax.
Accommodation cancellation costs:
- until 01.03.2025. - no charge
- after 01.03.2025. - 50% of the expected costs for the total stay are retained
- after 15.04.2025. - 100% of the estimated costs for the total stay are retained
Hrvatsko oftalmološko
i optometrijsko društvo